Juniper Publishers | Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health

Standard and Novel Therapies in Endometrial Cancer- -Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health-Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS- JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND WOMEN’S HEALTH STANDARD AND NOVEL THERAPIES IN ENDOMETRIAL CANCER Authored by Georgios Androutsopoulos In developed countries, endometrial cancer (EC) represents the most common malignancy of the female genital tract. Especially in the United States, the average life time risk for EC is about 2.64%. EC usually affects postmenopausal women and the most common presenting symptom is abnormal uterine bleeding. Based on the clinical and pathological features, sporadic EC classified into 2 different types (type I EC and type II EC). Type I EC, represents the majority of sporadic EC cases (70-80%), is usually well differentiated and endometrioid in histology Type II EC, represents the minority of sporadic EC cases (10-20%), is poorly differentiated and usually papillary serous or clear cell in histo...