Juniper Publishers | Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health

Knowledge on Sexual and Reproductive Health among Young People in a Selected Community -Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health-Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS- JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND WOMEN’S HEALTH KNOWLEDGE ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE IN A SELECTED COMMUNITY Authored by SM Monwar Hossain A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted among 215 young people from January to May 2016. Respondent were selected form Bogra district mostly who were studying in Bogra Azizul Hoque College and age group 18-24 years and who were living that area. Semi structured questionnaire was employed as instrument for data collection. I used liker scale i.e. Poor Knowledgeable, Moderate knowledgeable, fully knowledgeable. Total mark was 5 and I took 5 was fully knowledgeable, 3-4 was moderate knowledgeable and below 3 was poor knowledgeable. Mean age of the participants was 20 years. Among 215 participants the educational background 1...