Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health-Juniper Publishers Authored by Wilson IB Onuigbo Abstract Abdominal pseudocyst (APC) is an uncommon manifestation about which 3 examples have appeared in the recent literature. These were all in females, although the lesion is not peculiar to that sex. Following the suggestion by a Birmingham (UK) group that the establishment of a histopathology data pool facilitates epidemiological analysis, I personally made use of such a pool organized in a Regional Pathology Laboratory built by the Government for the large Ethnic Group called the Ibos or Igbos who live mostly in the South-eastern part of Nigeria. This afforded me, during the 1970– 2000 periods, the opportunity to collect cases of abdominal pseudocysts locally. I am persuaded that they merit documentation alongside First World literature. Keywords: Abdomen, pseudocyst, female, Ibos, epidemiology ...