Juniper Publishers : Hydrops Fetalis of unknown etiology in a 32 weeks pregnancy which was diagnosed as congenital neurosyphilis

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS- JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND WOMEN’S HEALTH Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health-Juniper Publishers Authored by Ariel Polonsky* Introduction Congenital syphilis occurs when the spirochete Treponema Pallidum is transmitted from a pregnant woman through the placenta. It can result in stillbirth, prematurity or other multiple clinical manifestations. The congenital condition usually occurs to women with no or scant prenatal care. Humans are the only natural host for Treponema Pallidum and so transmission usually occurs through the placenta or direct contact with lesions. A 19 y/o G1P0 32.2weeks pregnant woman arrived to triage complaining of premature contractions. Her prenatal care history was of no significance and her ...