Juniper Publishers | Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health

Uterine Myomas: Recent Advances in their Treatment -Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health-Juniper Publishers JUNIPER PUBLISHERS- JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND WOMEN’S HEALTH UTERINE MYOMAS: RECENT ADVANCES IN THEIR TREATMENT Authored by Georgios Androutsopoulos Nowadays, uterine myomas represent a very common clinical entity. Approximately 20%-40% of the women in the reproductive age have uterine myomas . However, in menopause there is a significant decrease in the incidence of uterine myomas. A lot of patients with uterine myomas have no symptoms, because these tumors are usually asymptomatic. Nevertheless, patients with uterine myomas may have: abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, pressure complaints, infertility and pregnancy-related complications. For more open access journals in JuniperPublishers please click on: For more articles on Gynecology and Women’s Health please click on: https://juniperpublis...